-step sequenzer software-
- quantity
- -software step sequencer with 8 steps
- -step time justable between 1 and 5 16th per step, pattern length up to 40 16th
- -pattern chain, up to 9 pattern can be coupled to a big looped sequence
- -two virtual midi in/out ports for biderectional communication
- -9 pattern preset slots
- -play range can be limited between 1 and 8 steps (realtime, preset-independend)
- -chained pattern play only inside the range
- sync
- -midi clock master or slave
- -in slave mode, JUMP will sync every next half bar after press "play" on jump
- the statistics field shows the relation to a 4/4 bar reference and the next common first step
- range track
- -preset-independend track to "step by step record" range and running direction
- -smallest range can be one step
- -combining with pattern chain leads to unexpected (and -may be- creative) results
- -range track length: more than 2000 combinations
- ...but not least
- -undo step, animated help window, pitch bend sweep option per step, remote control port